It has recently come to the attention of the contributers to this blog that we have an anonymous devoted fan base. To all of our readers, this post is geared toward your participation, so responses are highly encouraged..
Technological development is continually making activities of everyday life more efficient and less physically demanding. Of recent popular demand: blue tooth. This little ear piece is specially designed for those people whose hands are so consumed with other various motions of importance that they can not hold a phone to their ear. Of course, in our highly-motion-efficient lifestyles, time is wasted in the simple action of moving the phone to the ear, and also in engaging in daily physical activity needed to build enough arm strength to be able to lift the phone. Of course, despite these highly justified reasons for the creation of the blue tooth, it seems that most people who own them do not actually seem to have preoccupied extremities. Instead, it is much more likely to come across a proud blue tooth owner extravagantly waving his hands about in broad gestures while speaking unnaturally loud to whomever is he is on the phone with and glancing about to ensure proper appreciation by passers by of the precious commodity in his ear. However, one may also come across a less expressive blue tooth owner. These people usually seem somewhat awkward and unsure of what to do with their hands, so they usually have them shoved into pockets, or crossed over their chests, yet are still engaged in phone conversation which gives the impression that they are speaking to themselves. So it seems that instead of giving a confident and technologically knowledgeable appearance, blue tooth owners are more likely to appear either completely ridiculous or mentally deranged (except of course for Genny, who most definitely looks like some sort of ultra-important business executive). In all honesty, I can see why the blue tooth was created, if those people who must constantly be on the phone require use of their hands to accomplish other necessary actions..but I feel that it is being sorely abused. So I ask you, dear readers, what is bluetooth to you..futuristic phone-call facilitator, fashion faux pas, or just plain dumb?
Technological development is continually making activities of everyday life more efficient and less physically demanding. Of recent popular demand: blue tooth. This little ear piece is specially designed for those people whose hands are so consumed with other various motions of importance that they can not hold a phone to their ear. Of course, in our highly-motion-efficient lifestyles, time is wasted in the simple action of moving the phone to the ear, and also in engaging in daily physical activity needed to build enough arm strength to be able to lift the phone. Of course, despite these highly justified reasons for the creation of the blue tooth, it seems that most people who own them do not actually seem to have preoccupied extremities. Instead, it is much more likely to come across a proud blue tooth owner extravagantly waving his hands about in broad gestures while speaking unnaturally loud to whomever is he is on the phone with and glancing about to ensure proper appreciation by passers by of the precious commodity in his ear. However, one may also come across a less expressive blue tooth owner. These people usually seem somewhat awkward and unsure of what to do with their hands, so they usually have them shoved into pockets, or crossed over their chests, yet are still engaged in phone conversation which gives the impression that they are speaking to themselves. So it seems that instead of giving a confident and technologically knowledgeable appearance, blue tooth owners are more likely to appear either completely ridiculous or mentally deranged (except of course for Genny, who most definitely looks like some sort of ultra-important business executive). In all honesty, I can see why the blue tooth was created, if those people who must constantly be on the phone require use of their hands to accomplish other necessary actions..but I feel that it is being sorely abused. So I ask you, dear readers, what is bluetooth to you..futuristic phone-call facilitator, fashion faux pas, or just plain dumb?
The other day I saw someone walking down the street, gesticulating wildly and talking to himself. It turned out he was not using a bluetooth device, but rather was just a crazy homeless man.
Last summer this same crazy homeless man told me he was a "master of the seventh degree" and gave me a massage by standing on my back with his bare feet. True story.
TallE, at 3/02/2007 9:33 AM
I was hanging out at the airport earlier and saw at least six people talking to themselves while pacing the lounges in their suits. I think they all had wireless headsets for their telephones and were talking into those, but either they're making these things incredibly small or business drives you crazy, because I never once saw a bluetooth-esque device.
genny w/ a "g", at 3/16/2007 9:24 AM
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TallE, at 4/19/2007 7:50 AM
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